The older I have become the more I have realised that the best things that have happened in my life have had little to do with judgement, planning and forethought – and everything to do with random chance and connection.

As I write this I’m coming to the end of a three week trip to Malaysia and Thailand. The single best restaurant I’ve been to didn’t appear in any guide book, recommendation or google search. Rather, it was mentioned in the Instagram story of a local photographer in George Town, Penang. I’d only started following him hours earlier as he liked one of my posts.

The happiness of random connection.

There’s a thing going around at the moment extolling the joys of LinkedIn, as it enjoys a renaissance few of us would have ever predicted. I’ve already outlined my issues with that platform before so I won’t repeat myself. For the record, I don’t mind LinkedIn, just as I don’t mind watermelon or Coldplay.

LinkedIn is alright. It’s a bit like Dubai, very efficient at getting you connections and taking you where you want to get to, but there’s something a bit fake about it all. A place to visit only if you really have to.

I jest of course, but it’s curious how many folk are coming out enthusiastically to bat for something so unremarkable as LinkedIn, at the same time as hating on Twitter.

They keep saying that Twitter isn’t as good as it was in 2012.

This is true.

But let’s also remember that today NOTHING is as good as it was in 2012.

Musk has made some odd decisions with the platform which has attracted some even odder people. It seems to have gone a bit mad since the pandemic, but to be fair I know more than a few people who HAVE gone a bit mad since the pandemic.

Musk haters can sometimes ignore the positives he has introduced, such as community notes and the ability to bookmark tweets and put them into folders He has allowed some people back on who were banned unnecessarily for exercising their freedom of speech however uncomfortable that might be to you or I. .

People are correct to worry about the effect of Twitter on debate, divisiveness and even on our mental health, but this is something that is a far wider, society level problem, that technology appears to be accelerating, or even directly causing.

My problem with Twitter is that it’s lost some of the sheer randomness that was there in the early days of social media, but I’m unsure how much of this is the algorithm or simply a result of my own behaviour. Certainly most of us are a bit more careful and self-censorious than we were a decade ago with some companies reintroducing social media policies aimed at limiting personal expression. I’ve seen it suggested that people should not link their online identity to their employer anywhere other than LinkedIn, presumably as that’s seen as more corporate and safe. But corporate and safe doesn’t speak to me about the stuff I’m interested in: creativity, innovation and stupid ideas.

We discuss this in Let’s Talk Ideas with Chris Bolton AKA Whatsthepont. I mention this firstly because it’s one of our best episodes yet and you should listen, and secondly because Chris is one of the people I randomly met through Twitter and have then since met in real life and become friends. Chris introduced me to concepts like bikeshedding, Trojan mice, innovation antibodies and has been more influential on my work than arguably anyone in my own organisation. I really don’t think I’d have discovered him on LinkedIn as why would I go looking for a bloke who works for the Welsh Audit Office?

So LinkedIn or Twitter? It’s a stupid question as the answer is obviously Instagram. You can connect with me there where I post mostly drone photos.

Or you can just ignore me, or even block me.

All of us just need to go where our passions lie and do the things we love and enjoy. Only through doing that will we find the inspiration to achieve the big and little things that make life worth living.

Random connections lead to all sorts of wonderful things, if you’re curious enough. Twitter isn’t as random as it used to be, but it’s still the most random place I know.

I don’t mind you LinkedIn, but I’ll never love you.

2 responses to “LinkedIn Vs Twitter: Which Is Best?”

  1. WhatsthePONT Avatar

    I’ve just had a laugh out loud moment Paul.
    That comparison of LinkedIn with Dubai is brilliant.
    Randomness is one of those things I keep getting drawn back to.
    The accidential restaurant is so often much better than the ones with the millions of recommendations.
    I’m just thinking back to one we stumbled upon on Morano Venice.
    I’m happy to live on/outside the boundaries of the carefully curated environs…
    most of the time, but occasionally we need to go to ‘where the people are’.
    Just off to post something on LinkedIn 🙂

  2. paul144bd5619b6 Avatar

    Spot on, Paul. Never been to or through Dubai but I can strongly identify with the watermelon and Coldplay comparisons. LinkedIn is not exactly a hotbed of creativity, although you can learn corporate things about what people are up to and what’s going on. I find it a bit self-serving and self-congratulatory and Twitter, whilst it may not be what it was, is more likely to prompt you into thinking a bit differently about things.

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